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Pots and pans, messy and dirty cupboard

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How filthy are your posts and pans cupboard?

My task of the day yesterday was to gut out the pots and pans cupboard.

It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but someday we will have to do it. I understand the difficulty mums with depression have with putting things together. 

The fact it’s a cupboard no one has any interest in looking into makes it an easier target for abandonment. 

Just because it’s hidden away, that doesn’t mean we should ignore it. By now, we should have all experience the beautiful feeling of joy that comes with clean and organised homes.

So yesterday’s task was sorting the pots and pans cupboard. You can try to make this your task of the day, if you don’t know where to start.

I noticed there’s something wrong with my images at the bottom right corner. I don’t know how it happened. 

pots and pans before cupboard cleaning and organizing
pots and pans cupboard after cleaning
pots and pans after cleaning

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