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The Perfect Housewife

Why you should avoid impulsiveness with depression.

Avoid Impulsiveness <h2>Impulsive behaviours are dangerous for those of us with depression.Impulsive behaviours can cause so much harm to you and your family. The thing with impulsive behaviour is our lack of understanding and knowledge to protect us and our loved ones from problems caused by impulsive behaviours. Impulsiveness comes with depression. Why? Well, everyone

Why you should avoid impulsiveness with depression. Read More »

Living in the now-a miracle

How can we improve our daily lifestyle to get the best of our ability? Living in the now is not an idea from another writer or found somewhere on the net. This results from years of searching for peace as I struggle with depression. This way of life will change your life. You will find peace and you will find your life is much less stressful and successful in everything you do..

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The Way forward

The way forward is about leaving behind the muddy waters and flow to the ocean. If we don’t move forward, we will forever stick in the mud of self-destruction. Whenever you’re physically drained, it’s because you’re mentally drained. Many unpleasant, unwanted things and feelings surface. As these float, our minds follow these emotions and feelings.

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