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Me time in the morning to brighten your day

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Me time is important for anyone to thrive.

It all comes down to our mind and how we want our lives to be. What we need to improve and whether we will make the change and are we committed with dedication and passion about what we want to achieve.

Are we serious about this thing we say we really want or are we just wishing our homes are clean and organised? 

As we see other beautiful and organised homes on Instagram, we fall in love with them, enjoy looking at them. We wish we could do the same. The question is, can you? This is a question only you can answer for yourself. 

People with depression are addicted to these images and videos because we want our homes to be like the ones we see. We are looking for motivations. The problem is: we have none of that. But the biggest problem is: we do not know how to get motivated, how to start and how to keep motivation alive.

So let’s get into what I have been doing for 5 years now. This routine, if you stick to it with intentions to improve yourself and to get the things you want to do done. You can really crack the code and free yourself from the frustrations or clutter, dirty homes and whatever else you’re struggling with during your illness.

step One

  • Be sure you want to make the change and really want to get on top of things, otherwise you cannot keep it the way you wish.

Step Two

  • Wake up really early in the morning. Calculate a time that is enough for you to relax with a coffee or tea before the kids wake up. And before your time to get ready for work. “First” This is vital and extremely important in this routine. 


  • Put a load in the washing machine.
  • Set a timer for your washing machine. If you don’t know the duration of your machine cycles, you can experiment until you get it right.

Step 4:

  • Sit back and relax on a coffee or tea or breakfast for 10 minutes or whatever fits in the time you set for waking up.
  • No phones, no social media no screens.
  • This is your moment to build your positive energy. Think of your day ahead as a great day. Visualize your day exactly as you want it to be. It’s extremely important that as you visualize your day ahead that you visualize the result, not what you are going to do. e.g.
  •  Don’t think about how much laundry you have to do, think about how happy you always are when the laundry is clean, think and feel the good feeling that you usually feel when the laundry is done, or how many dishes are on the sink, think and feel the beautiful feeling of having a nice clean kitchen, etc. 
  • Visualize and feel what happened after you cleaned up and get in the feeling you usually feel when things are all cleaned up, tidy, and organised. This process will not only give you a good start, it supports you mentally and physically with joy to work your day through with peace and stress free.
  •  This exercise will bump up your positive energy that will make you go through things without a hiccup. However all exercises I have written here are not magical when you only read them without the intention and the determination from your side to 

Click on “living in the now” link below to learn about the most important exercise that will help you focus, thrive, and eliminate stresses caused by too much thinking at a time. Click on Living in the now – a miracle to find out about this amazing way of living that can help you bring your mind to one place. 

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