it’s the 1st of Jan 2023 Laundry
Find my laundry diary here For your daily dose of laundry motivation

Nothing has really changed. Years, days, months all changed, but laundry never changed. i’m trying to make a laundry diary for this year. After going through my old photos and saw how much laundry I actually do, I decided to make a laundry diary.
I’m hoping others who are struggling with laundry will find it motivating. Sometimes, just seeing what others have achieved, can give us the energy to the things we want to do, but have no energy or motivation to do it.
On the 31-Dec-2022 i did a huge pile of laundry. I changed and refilled the line a couple of times. Once a load is dried i remove them and load the line again. By 7:30pm there was no more sun and a cold breeze was starting to swirl. I emptied the line then filled it up again. This last load, stayed on the line overnight until the next day.
In summer I would rotate the laundry on the line, making use of the sun. it’s a great way, to stay on top of laundry.